
  • Recovery Coaching: Sober Coach DFW offers empowering and goal-oriented coaching sessions to help clients learn coping skills, improve their overall wellness, and achieve long-term sobriety. 

  • Treatment Planning: Sober Coach DFW can assist clients and/or their families navigate the treatment planning process by finding an appropriate in-patient or out-patient treatment center that best benefits their recovery.

  • Interventions: Sober Coach DFW develops individualized intervention strategies to help you effectively communicate to your loved one that outside help is necessary to address his or her addiction. 

  • Sober Transport: Sober Coach DFW provides your loved one with a physically and emotionally safe transition to and from treatment in both emergency and non-emergent situations.

  • Aftercare Sober Companionship: Sober Coach DFW protects your investment in treatment through 24 hour a day companionship during transition from the highly structured treatment environment to post-treatment daily life.